skid: n.1.制动器,煞车 (=skid-pan)。2.(搬移重物用的)滑动垫木,滑道。3.(支承重物的)低平台,垫木。4.(飞机的)起落橇,滑橇;【航海】(上下货物时保护船舷的)垫板,护舷木。5.(车辆)高速行驰时或在结冰的道上打滑,溜滑;〔pl. 喻〕下坡路。短语和例子hit the skids 〔美俚〕走下坡路;变弱;被打败。 put the skids under 〔美俚
row: n.1.(一)排,(一)行;一排(座位);行列,横列。2.(两旁或一旁有房屋的)路,街〔英国常用作某种行业占用的街道、地区〕。3.【无线电】天线阵。4.〔the R-〕〔英国〕=Rotten R- 伦敦海德公园中的骑马道。短语和例子It doesn't amount to a row of beans. 〔美、俚〕这实在不算什么。 at the end of one's r
rowing: n.划船。 a rowing boat 划艇。 a rowing club 划船俱乐部。
After his divorce , mike became a drunk down on skid row 离婚之后,迈克尔沦落为贫民街的酒鬼。
He ended up on skid row 他最沦落到了流浪人的贫民区
It is so . it ' s just that the street i get my inspiration from is skid row 没错啊,只是我的灵感是从贫民区的街头得到而已。
Paul was once rich , but he drank and gambled too much , and ended his life living on skid row 保罗以前很富有,但他耽于喝酒赌博,结果沦落为贫民区的居民。
35 robert c . ellickson , controlling chronicmisconduct in city spaces : of panhandlers , skid rows , and public - space zoning , 105 yale law journal 1165 , at 1219 - 26 37关于中国宪政和世界其它国家宪政之间的可比性,参见笔者的《宪法学导论? ?原理与应用》 ,法律出版社2004年版,序言第4 - 5页。
On november 15 , 2003 , los angeles center nitiates visited the new image emergency shelter , which houses approximately 400 homeless residents from hollywood and various parts of downtown los angeles , including the well - known skid row district 2003年11月15日,洛杉矶小中心的师兄师姊们前往探访新象急救中心收容所,为留宿的游民提供爱心协助。
Douglas , 90 , was joined by " indiana jones " star ford and a bevy of other celebrities who served up meals of roast turkey , mashed potatoes and gravy to the needy at the los angeles mission on skid row 90岁的道格拉斯与曾出演《印第安那?琼斯》的哈里森?福特及其他一些名人一起来到“洛杉矶使命”慈善机构的收容所,为那里的无家可归者端上烤火鸡、土豆泥和肉汤等饭菜。